INTERNATIONAL COACHING WEEK – An opportunity for everyone

on May 22, 2016 Uncategorized with 0 comments

During one week, most serious coaching professionals make a special effort to allow new people to discover what coaching techniques can do for individuals and organisations. I try and do my part by reaching wide to people who might have been interested but reticent to try.  This is the time to put you toes in […]

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One important day … at a time! Words of wisdom from Todd Henry

on March 31, 2016 Uncategorized with 0 comments

  One important day… at a time : “Imagine for a moment that you will have a guest accompanying you throughout your day tomorrow. This person’s task will be to follow you around from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. They will take copious notes about your schedule, how you interact […]

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Learn to fail

on February 9, 2016 Uncategorized with 0 comments

It is so simple: Learn to fail… or fail to learn.

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A motto for marketing success.

on January 28, 2016 Blog, Quotes with 0 comments

Just three lines with magic words in French. A visual appeal  so that it is easy to memorise. And an undisputable power. Most people stop at line 2. There are many, many ways to apply the last line and some talent in communication helps… but without that third line of action, success might be very […]

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A Quality 2016 !

on January 4, 2016 Blog, Blog Subcategory with 0 comments

A Quality Year !   A happy new year ? I mostly wish you a quality-infused 2016. Quality in your health… of course ! Quality also in your relationships too. Robert Waldinger, in a recent TED talk, demonstrates that relationships are at the root of happiness. So this is the time to look at friends […]

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No “Waiting Game”, please ! … Ever

on December 20, 2015 Blog and Tags: , , , , , , , with 0 comments

No “Waiting Game” … ever! Arrogant pride works against you when you wait for the other party to mend a rift. Arrogant pride works against you when you wait for the other party to mend a rift. Our emotions get in the way of smooth interactions with other people. A minor “offence” from someone will […]

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A time for Light!

on December 15, 2015 Uncategorized and Tags: , , , , , , with 0 comments

Light! We should have just enough to allow us to live in a harmonious place. …Check and improve your lighting everywhere.   Light affect life. Most living creatures depend on light to survive, to grow, to prosper. Insufficient lighting is tiring on the eyes and leads to eyesight deterioration and/or accidents. This is true in the […]

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Purpose !

on December 14, 2015 Uncategorized with 0 comments

A 365 days trip starts on the right foot. Your mindset when you get up on Day 1 is up to you. Lao Tseu apparently said that a thousand miles trip starts with a single step. While this is often used as an invitation to promptly start if you want to reach you destination, there […]

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Welcome to your new life…

on June 17, 2015 Uncategorized and Tags: , with 0 comments

Today is the first day of your future. Decide  about how to best use it. I shall post here from time to time some entries of the Less Stress More Success Diary. Thoughts that help manage today in order to shape a better tomorrow. Sometimes it is in our mind that we have to check […]

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